We believe in the future
… and our business idea emphasizes the importance of sustainability for us: “In the most rational way and at the lowest possible environmental cost, we will develop and manage return systems for reusable transport items for the Norwegian grocery industry”
The retail trade accounts for about 40 percent of Norwegian trade / transport and is an important player in today’s necessary environmental change towards a more sustainable society. We at NLP are happy to contribute in this environmental change together with the industry and our customers!
Our vision is a sustainable future. Our goal is to help create better and more optimized supply chains. And that is exactly what we do – by using our reusable pallets and crates, we help our customers move goods efficiently, safely and cost-effectively through the supply chain while reducing the environmental impact and the amount of waste from disposable packaging.
A circular system
Through studies conducted by others, we have known for some time that using the pool system and our reusable and returnable transport items was a good and sustainable solution. Therefore, it was also important for NLP to provide documentation that reusable pallets and crates in the NLP system were environmentally friendly.
Norsk Lastbærer Pool AS (NLP) has carried out lifecycle assessments (LCA) of both our plastic crate and plastic pallet, which show that they are an environmentally friendly alternative for packaging and load carriers for the grocery trade.
100% recyclable
Long life, reuse and recycling save energy and raw materials – read our 100% recyclable load carrier article (in Norwegian)
Smart Logistics
If we disregard the RTIs themselves, our logistics also help to make the supply chain more sustainable. We have an expression at NLP called “kortreiste (litterally “short-travelled”) pallets” – we strive for as short transport routes as possible! We also look for alternative transport such as rail. Our processes and solutions will contribute to better utilisation of the transport park, higher productivity and CO2 reduction.
Green solutions
In our internall operations, the biggest energy consumption is the operation of our washing lines. Reuse of heat with a heat exchanger, reuse of heated water, district heating, environmentally friendly detergents, gradual replacement to LED lighting; These are a few examples of how we make more efficient use of energy, water and detergents.