NLP Prices 2025

Price adjustments from January 1st 2025

Norsk Lastbærer Pool AS increases Trip fees for all its plastic products and Daily rent for NLP Plastic Pallet, NLP Halv Pallet og NLP 360 crate.

The following prices apply from January 1st, 2025:


Product Sender fee Receiver fee Trip fee
Europall 12,33 6,67
NLP Plastpall 8,07 3,80
NLP Halvpall 7,12
NLP 1/3 pall 8,80
360 kasse 3,30
185 kasse 2,80
106 kasse 2,64



Product Rent/day
NLP Plastpall 0,200
NLP Halvpall 0,150
NLP 1/3 Pall 0,100
NLP 360-Kasse 0,065
NLP 185-Kasse 0,040
NLP 106-Kasse 0,040


The price adjustments from 2025 are due to cost increases on key cost factors for NLP.

For NLP Halv Pallet and NLP 1/3 Pallet, the change in trip fee also takes into account the reduction in trip fee due to the reduction in the number of days of rental exemption, as previously informed in a seperate customer letter sent out November 1st. 2024.

Please note that transactions registered in December 2024 that are invoice in January 2025 will have old prices. There may therefore be transactions on the invoice for January 2025 with both the old and new price.

All prices in NOK.