Please click on the appropriate choice of the supply chain to view prices
Prices are per product and valid from 01.01.2023.
All prices are subject to change.
- Wholesaler / Retailer DC
- Supplier
- Additional fees
- Plastic pallets
- Plastic crates
- EUR wooden pallet
- Plastic pallets
- Plastic crates
- EUR wooden pallet
- Other fees
- Information
- Plastic pallets
- Plastic Crates
- EUR wooden pallet
All costs related to the use of NLP plastic pallets (NLP plastic full pallet, NLP plastic half pallet and NLP plastic 1/3 pallet)
Receiving NLP plastic pallets from another NLP customer that has registered a transaction in the customerweb.
NOK 3,80
No receiver fee on the plastic half pallet and plastic 1/3 pallet
The delivery of NLP plastic full pallets from NLP for internal use or for use in the supply chain.
NOK 7,32
The delivery of NLP plastic half pallets from NLP for internal use or for use in the supply chain.
NOK 7,12
Daily hire charge for the time the customer has the plastic pallet balance on location
Plastic full pallet NOK 0,20
Plastic half pallet NOK 0,15
A wholesaler receiving a plastic half pallet with the stream of goods from a Supplier, has to pay day hire rates only after 15 days.
Plastic 1/3 pallet NOK 0,10
A wholesaler receiving a 1/3 plastic pallet with the stream of goods from a Supplier, has to pay day hire rates only after 45 days.
The negligent use, destruction or loss of plastic pallets (see NLP rules)
Plastic full pallet NOK 550
Plastic half pallet NOK 330
Plastic 1/3 pallet NOK 190
All costs related to the use of NLP plastic crates (NLP Plastic crate 360, NLP Plastic crate 185, NLP Plastic crate 106)
Price per NLP plastic crate delivered to the customer.
Please contact NLP for more information and price details if you wish to order NLP plastic crates for use in your supply chain.
Transport fee comes in addition to trip fee and is decided based on geographical location.
Please contact NLP for more information and price details if you wish to order NLP plastic crates for use in your supply chain.
Rental charge per day for the time the customer has the plastic crates balance on location
NLP plastic crate 360 NOK 0,065
NLP plastic crate 185 NOK 0,040
NLP plastic crate 106 NOK 0,040
The negligent use, destruction or loss of plastic crates (see NLP rules)
NLP plastic crate 360 NOK 100
NLP plastic crate 185 NOK 50
NLP plastic crate 106 NOK 45
All costs related to the use of EUR wood pallet
Receiving EUR wooden pallets from another NLP customer that has registered a transaction in the customerweb.
NOK 6,67
The balance of EUR wooden pallets are run every month and will be debited/credited according to the difference between pallets registered out and pallets registered in
NOK 45
All costs related to the use of NLP plastic pallets (NLP plastic full pallet, NLP plastic half pallet and NLP plastic 1/3 pallet)
Sending NLP plastic full pallet to another NLP customer by registering the transaction in the customerweb.
NOK 8,07
Price per pallet upon delivery from NLP
Plastic half pallet NOK 7,12
Plastic 1/3 pallet NOK 8,80
Rental charge per day for the time the customer has the plastic pallet balance on location
Plastic full pallet NOK 0,20
Plastic half pallet NOK 0,15
Plastic 1/3 pallet NOK 0,10
The negligent use, destruction or loss of plastic pallets (see NLP rules)
Plastic full pallet NOK 550
Plastic half pallet NOK 330
Plastic 1/3 pallet NOK 190
All costs related to the use of NLP plastic crates (NLP Plastic crate 360, NLP Plastic crate 185, NLP Plastic crate 106)
Price per NLP plastic crate delivered to the customer.
Please contact NLP for more information and price details if you wish to order NLP plastic crates for use in your supply chain.
Transport fee comes in addition to trip fee and is decided based on geographical location.
Please contact NLP for more information and price details if you wish to order NLP plastic crates for use in your supply chain.
Rental charge per day for the time the customer has the plastic crates balance on location
NLP plastic crate 360 NOK 0,065
NLP plastic crate 185 NOK 0,040
NLP plastic crate 106 NOK 0,040
Pris per NLP plastic crate when a transaction is registered in the customerweb to a wholesaler /retailer DC
NOK 0,50
The negligent use, destruction or loss of plastic crates (see NLP rules)
NLP plastic crate 360 NOK 100
NLP plastic crate 185 NOK 50
NLP plastic crate 106 NOK 45
All costs related to the use of EUR wood pallet
Sending EUR wooden pallets to another NLP customer by registering the transaction in the customerweb.
NOK 12,33
Fee per EUR wooden pallets when ordering heat treated
NOK 12,50
The balance of EUR wooden pallets are run every month and will be debited/credited according to the difference between pallets registered out and pallets registered in
NOK 45
Fees for small quantity orders, quality deviations, rush orders and cancellations
Price per transport if less time than standard delivery time is needed, standard delivery time is 2 days if the order is placed before 13:00, orders placed after 13:00 are one day extra, f.ex. order placed after 13:00 Monday is delivered Thursday.
NOK 3 000
In the NLP customerweb, orders can be placed as a full truckload, half a truckload or as a transportunit of 17 pallets with a minimum of 102. For quantities of 272 or less, a small quantity order fee applies.
NOK 1 000
Per order that is cancelled less than 24 hours before delivery time. Applies to both deliveries and pick ups from NLP.
NOK 3 000
Per delivery of empty pallets that has not been sorted by the sender as per agreement of sorting pallets with NLP.
NOK 3 000
Fee per hour of NLP involvement, seeNLP rules article 9.
NOK 1 500
Fee per dispute issue, see NLP rules article 9.
NOK 1 500
You are entitled as a sender of NLP products to claim missing transactions in two periods throughout the calendar year. The claim must be directed toward your customer (receiver) of NLP products in transactions that has NOT been registered in the customerweb.
Period 1: January 1st – June 30th (Deadline is August 31st)
Period 2: July 1st – December 31st (Deadline is February 28/9 following calendar year)
For more information please see NLP rules article 9.
The requirement of documentation of missing transactions or wrongful registrations. The purchase/ordernumber and freightletter must be submitted to the receiveing part of the transactions in question. It is ok if both parties agree on other documentation requirements. Please see NLP rules article 9.
Senders fee is divided into two different prices. LIGHT North and LIGHT South. LIGHT North applies for recipients north of postal code 7500.
Price per sent and registered number of NLP Plastic full pallet from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 38,80
Price per sent and registered number of NLP Plastic half pallet from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 29,00
Price per sent and registered number of NLP Plastic 1/3 pallet from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 12,00
Price per sent and registered number of NLP Plastic full pallet from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT North customer.
NOK 71,40
Price per sent and registered number of NLP Plastic half pallet from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT North customer.
NOK 29,00
Price per sent and registered number of NLP Plastic 1/3 pallet from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT North customer.
NOK 12,00
When sending and registering a shipment of NLP Plastic crates to a NLP LIGHT costumer, two fees will be applied to the transaction, pre-paid rent and return cost.
A fee per NLP Plastic crate 185 and 106 that has been sent and registered from one NLP customer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 0,57
A fee per NLP Plastic crate 185 and 106 that has been sent and registered from one NLP customer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 2,59
A fee per NLP Plastic crate 360 that has been sent and registered from one NLP customer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 4,86
Senders fee is divided into two different prices. LIGHT North and LIGHT South. LIGHT North applies for recipients north of postal code 7500.
Price per sent and registered number of EUR wooden pallets from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 41,92
Price per sent and registered number of EUR wooden pallets from one NLP costumer to a NLP LIGHT customer.
NOK 74,50